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The first letter of each sentence is capitalized in typical English writing and other languages with a case distinction. This post describes a QMK userspace feature that automatically applies Shift to capitalize when starting a new sentence. This reduces how often you need to use the Shift keys, which is convenient particularly if you use home row mods or Auto Shift.

To use it, you simply type as usual but without shifting at the start of sentences. The feature detects when new sentences begin and capitalizes automatically.

Example: The color highlighting indicates how the following input is interpreted.

Include these details when reporting a bug.  what steps produce the problem?  describe your configuration e.g. non-default settings, extensions, etc. where relevant.  please attach any error logs to this form.

   Sentence ending
   Sentence start

The output produced is:

Include these details when reporting a bug.  What steps produce the problem?  Describe your configuration e.g. non-default settings, extensions, etc. where relevant.  Please attach any error logs to this form.

Add it to your keymap

Install my community modules. Then enable module getreuer/sentence_case in your keymap.json file. Or if keymap.json does not exist, create it with the following content:

  "modules": ["getreuer/sentence_case"]

Note: If you happen to also use custom shift keys, be sure to order "getreuer/sentence_case" before "getreuer/custom_shift_keys":

  "modules": ["getreuer/sentence_case", "getreuer/custom_shift_keys"]

One-shot keys must be enabled to use Sentence Case. One-shot keys are enabled by default, but can be disabled by “#define NO_ACTION_ONESHOT” in config.h. If your config.h includes such a line, please remove it.

Non-module installation (historical)

⚠  Important

There are two implementations of this feature: the community module described above (recommended) and the earlier non-module implementation described in this section. Pick one. Do not install both, or they will conflict and fail to build.

Step 1: In the directory containing your keymap.c, create a features subdirectory and copy sentence_case.h and sentence_case.c there.

Step 2: In your rules.mk file, add

SRC += features/sentence_case.c

Step 3: In keymap.c, define or add to your process_record_user() function to call process_sentence_case():

#include "features/sentence_case.h"

bool process_record_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t* record) {
  if (!process_sentence_case(keycode, record)) { return false; }
  // Your macros ...

  return true;

Note: If you happen to also use custom shift keys, be sure to call process_sentence_case() before process_custom_shift_keys().

Troubleshooting: If your keymap fails to build, a likely reason is that your QMK installation simply needs to be updated. If you have the qmk_firmware git repo cloned locally, do a git pull. Or see Updating your master branch for more details.

Using Sentence Case

How to use it: With the above done and flashed to your keyboard, use Sentence Case simply by typing as normal but without shifting at the start of sentences. For example, typing

hey. hello.

should produce

hey. Hello.

The feature kicks in after seeing a sentence ending, so the h in hey might not be capitalized.

Overriding Sentence Case: It is possible that Sentence Case false-triggers and capitalizes when it isn’t wanted. This happens especially with abbreviations having a single period at the end, like “misc.”, which to the simple detection rule looks like a sentence ending (while the rule correctly recognizes abbreviations like “e.g.” containing intermediate periods as not real endings). To override false triggers:


Instead of Sentence Case, an alternative method to capitalize the start of sentences is the next sentence macro, which types a period, space, then sets a one-shot mod so that the next key typed is shifted. This could be initiated with macro button, or as in precondition’s keymap through a tap dance. Compared to Sentence Case, the main difference is the macro is explicitly activated at the end of the sentence instead of detecting automatically.

Auto-capitalization of sentences is a built-in feature in some editors, including Microsoft Office, Libre Office, and Google Docs. In Emacs, you can use auto-capitalize.el or Xah Lee’s xah-upcase-sentence. In Vim, a method is described by David Moody.

Sentence detection

Detecting sentences is more involved than it might first seem. To use this feature effectively, it helps to know how the detection works.

Let’s look again at this example:

Include these details when reporting a bug.  what steps produce the problem?  describe your configuration e.g. non-default settings, extensions, etc. where relevant.  please attach any error logs to this form.

   Sentence ending
   Sentence start

A new sentence is detected when the following sequence occurs:

  1. One or more letter characters (a word).
  2. Followed by sentence-ending punctuation . ? or !  . The following exceptions are considered abbreviations   instead of real sentence endings:
    • Word containing multiple periods, like U.S. or i.e..
    • The common abbreviations vs. and etc. are specifically recognized (see below for how to define further exceptions).
  3. Followed by one or more spaces.
  4. Followed by a letter character  
    ⇒ Sentence start detected! The letter is shifted to capitalize.

To support quoted sentences, quotes ' and " are allowed in any position.


Indicating primed state

You can use the callback sentence_case_primed() to indicated with an LED or otherwise that Sentence Case is “primed.” A primed state means that a sentence ending was detected, and if the next key typed is a letter, it will be capitalized. In your keymap.c, add

void sentence_case_primed(bool primed) {
  // Change B0 to the pin for the LED to use.
  writePin(B0, primed);

Knowing when Sentence Case is primed is useful feedback to use the feature effectively.

Idle timeout

By default, Sentence Case resets its state after the keyboard is idle for 5 seconds. This is useful to mitigate unintended shifting when switching between typing and using the mouse. To configure this, define SENTENCE_CASE_TIMEOUT in config.h with a time in milliseconds:

#define SENTENCE_CASE_TIMEOUT 2000  // Reset state after 2 seconds.

If SENTENCE_CASE_TIMEOUT is set to 0, Sentence Case never times out.


Functions to manipulate Sentence Case:

Function Description
sentence_case_on() Enables Sentence Case.
sentence_case_off() Disables Sentence Case.
sentence_case_toggle() Toggles Sentence Case.
is_sentence_case_on() Gets whether currently enabled.
is_sentence_case_primed() Gets whether in primed state.
sentence_case_clear() Clears Sentence Case to initial state.

These functions can be used to enable, disable, toggle, or clear Sentence Case from your keymap with a macro, combo, tap dance, or whatever means.

Defining exceptions

The sentence_case_check_ending() callback is called when a punctuating key is typed to decide whether it is a real sentence ending, meaning the first letter of the following word should be capitalized. For instance, abbreviations like “vs.” are usually not real sentence endings. The input argument is a buffer of the last SENTENCE_CASE_BUFFER_SIZE keycodes (by default, the last 8 keycodes). Returning true means it is a real sentence ending and automatic capitalization applies; returning false means it is not.

The default implementation checks for the abbreviations “vs.” and “etc.”:

bool sentence_case_check_ending(const uint16_t* buffer) {
  // Don't consider the abbreviations "vs." and "etc." to end the sentence.
    return false;  // Not a real sentence ending.
  return true;  // Real sentence ending; capitalize next letter.

Here, SENTENCE_CASE_JUST_TYPED() is a helper macro that checks whether the key buffer ends in a given keycode pattern. The expression


returns true if “space, v, s, .” were the last four keys typed.


Add other abbreviations by adding them in the condition. For example to check also for “misc.”:

  return false;  // Not a real sentence ending.

The buffer size SENTENCE_CASE_BUFFER_SIZE can be changed by defining it in config.h:


Setting SENTENCE_CASE_BUFFER_SIZE to 0 disables the sentence ending check.

Letters and punctuations

The callback sentence_case_press_user() defines which keys are letters, punctuation, or something else. Defining this function may be useful if you type non-US letters or have customized the shift behavior of the punctuation keys.

The return value is a char code telling Sentence Case how to interpret the key:

Code Description
'a' Key is a letter, by default KC_A to KC_Z. If occurring at the start of a sentence, Sentence Case applies shift to capitalize it.
'.' Key is sentence-ending punctuation. Default: KC_DOT, Shift + KC_SLSH (?), Shift + KC_1 (!)
'#' Key types a backspaceable character that isn’t part of a word. The default includes KC_SLSH, Shift + KC_DOT (>), digits 0–9, KC_MINS ... KC_COMM, which covers - = [ ] ; ’ ` , \, and KC_UNDS ... KC_COLN, which covers _ + { } | :
' ' Key is a space. Default: KC_SPC
'\'' Key types a quote or double quote character. Default: KC_QUOT
'\0' Sentence Case should ignore this key.

If a hotkey or navigation key is pressed (or another key that performs an action that backspace doesn’t undo), then the callback should call sentence_case_clear() to clear the state and then return '\0'.

The default sentence_case_press_user() is:

char sentence_case_press_user(uint16_t keycode,
                              keyrecord_t* record,
                              uint8_t mods) {
  if ((mods & ~(MOD_MASK_SHIFT | MOD_BIT(KC_RALT))) == 0) {
    const bool shifted = mods & MOD_MASK_SHIFT;
    switch (keycode) {
      case KC_A ... KC_Z:
        return 'a';  // Letter key.

      case KC_DOT:  // . is punctuation, Shift . is a symbol (>)
        return !shifted ? '.' : '#';
      case KC_1:
      case KC_SLSH:
        return shifted ? '.' : '#';
      case KC_EXLM:
      case KC_QUES:
        return '.';
      case KC_2 ... KC_0:  // 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
      case KC_AT ... KC_RPRN:  // @ # $ % ^ & * ( )
      case KC_MINS ... KC_SCLN:  // - = [ ] backslash ;
      case KC_UNDS ... KC_COLN:  // _ + { } | :
      case KC_GRV:
      case KC_COMM:
        return '#';  // Symbol key.

      case KC_SPC:
        return ' ';  // Space key.

      case KC_QUOT:
        return '\'';  // Quote key.

  // Otherwise clear Sentence Case to initial state.
  return '\0';

To customize, copy the above function into your keymap and add/remove keycodes to the above cases.


We search for sentence beginnings using a simple finite state machine. It matches things like “a. a” and “a. a” but not “a.. a” or “a.a. a”. The states are

State Description
INIT Initial enabled state.
WORD Within a word.
ABBREV Within an abbreviation like “e.g.”.
ENDING Sentence ended.
PRIMED “Primed” state, in the space following an ending.

Given the char code from sentence_case_press_user(), the state transition matrix is:

'a' '.' ' '

When the char code is '#' (symbol), the state is set to INIT. When the char code is '\'' (quote), the state is unchanged. When the char code is '\0', Sentence Case ignores the key.


Thanks to GitHub users @drashna, @EdenEast and Reddit user u/WandersFar for helpful feedback and contributions to Sentence Case.

Closing thoughts

It’s exciting what effects may be possible with features that track the context of what was just typed beyond the current key. Check out triggering based on previously typed keys for thoughts on how to implement such effects generally.

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