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Achordion-like behavior is now built into QMK with Chordal Hold! Chordal Hold supersedes Achordion and was released in QMK on 2025-02-27. Update your QMK set up and see Chordal Hold.

🚀  Launched

Chordal Hold is available for ZSA keyboards in Oryx! Find it under Oryx’s Advanced Configuration Settings (announcement).


Most people who have tried home row mods are familiar with the struggle of accidental mod activations from typing rolls. If you are an exception, consider yourself lucky! In QMK, the standard mitigations as explained in precondition’s guide are using PERMISSIVE_HOLD and setting TAPPING_TERM reasonably (in the range 160–220 ms is typical).

QMK’s tap-hold implementation provides (with e.g. TAPPING_TERM_PER_KEY) the flexibility to tune these configurations per key, with callbacks taking the tap-hold keycode as an input. But I want more than that:

This post introduces Achordion, a library that does that. Achordion has evolved into core QMK feature Chordal Hold.

Relationship between Achordion and Chordal Hold

Chordal Hold is an improved version of Achordion that is built into QMK core. Both Achordion and Chordal Hold are finely-configurable implementations of an “opposite hands” rule to mitigate accidental mod triggers when using home row mods.

Chordal Hold is a rewrite of Achordion, and built into QMK as a core feature. Chordal Hold is better, stronger, faster in most ways.



For former Achordion users, here is how to migrate to Chordal Hold:

See QMK’s Chordal Hold documentation for more information. The remainder of this page describes Achordion.


Achordion is a userspace QMK library that customizes when tap-hold keys are considered held vs. tapped based on the next pressed key. The library works on top of QMK’s existing tap-hold implementation. You define mod-tap and layer-tap keys as usual and use Achordion to fine-tune the behavior.

When QMK settles a tap-hold key as “held,” Achordion intercepts the event. Achordion then revises the event as a tap or passes it along as a hold based on the following rules:

Achordion only changes the behavior when QMK considers the key to be held. It changes some would-be holds to taps, but no taps to holds.


When Achordion settles a tap-hold key, it plumbs the tap or hold event back into the handling pipeline, so other features including macros in process_record_user() will see it. So Achordion should interoperate with most QMK features and user code. I’ve been using Achordion successfully together with Autocorrection, Caps Word, and Custom Shift Keys.

Limitations: Some QMK features handle events before the point where userspace code can intercept them. I don’t expect Achordion to interoperate properly with them, and unfortunately, this isn’t entirely fixable without making changes to core QMK code. It is still possible to use these features and Achrodion in your keymap, but behavior may be poor when using these features while holding a tap-hold key. Particularly:

Add Achordion to your keymap

Step 1: In your keymap.c, call Achordion from your process_record_user() function:

#include "features/achordion.h"

bool process_record_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t* record) {
  if (!process_achordion(keycode, record)) { return false; }
  // Your macros ...

  return true;

If your process_record_user() has other handlers or macros, Achordion should preferably be called before anything else.

Step 2: In your keymap.c, define (or add to) housekeeping_task_user():

void housekeeping_task_user(void) {

Step 3: In your rules.mk, add

SRC += features/achordion.c

Step 4: In the directory containing your keymap.c, create a features subdirectory and copy achordion.h and achordion.c there.

You’ll also of course want to have some tap-hold keys in your keymap. Define mod-tap and layer-tap keys in your keymap in the usual way as described in the Mod-Tap documentation.

Troubleshooting: Achordion makes use of some fairly recent QMK APIs. If your keymap fails to build, a likely reason is that your QMK installation simply needs to be updated. Particularly, building with an outdated QMK version should fail with

achordion: QMK version is too old to build. Please update QMK.

If you have the qmk_firmware git repo cloned locally, do a git pull. Or see Updating your master branch for more details.

How does Achordion affect delay?

Delay is an important drawback of tap-hold keys, so here we cover how Achordion affects that. In practice, I see no added delay with Achordion beyond the delay that QMK’s tap-hold keys have on their own. To back this up, I’ll walk through a few cases of pressing tap-hold keys along with other keys.



This callback is the main point of customization. Suppose that while a tap-hold key is pressed down, some other key is pressed. Then achordion_chord() is called to decide the outcome. It takes both the tap-hold key and other key as inputs. The return value is true to consider the tap-hold key held or false to consider it tapped.

The default definition of achordion_chord() returns true if the two keys are on opposite hands, producing an effect like Bilateral Combinations:

bool achordion_chord(uint16_t tap_hold_keycode,
                     keyrecord_t* tap_hold_record,
                     uint16_t other_keycode,
                     keyrecord_t* other_record) {
  return achordion_opposite_hands(tap_hold_record, other_record);

But there is more flexibility than this. You can make any condition based on the tap-hold key’s and the other key’s keycodes or records. For instance, in my keymap I made a few exceptions to the opposite hands rule:

bool achordion_chord(uint16_t tap_hold_keycode,
                     keyrecord_t* tap_hold_record,
                     uint16_t other_keycode,
                     keyrecord_t* other_record) {
  // Exceptionally consider the following chords as holds, even though they
  // are on the same hand in Dvorak.
  switch (tap_hold_keycode) {
    case HOME_A:  // A + U.
      if (other_keycode == HOME_U) { return true; }

    case HOME_S:  // S + H and S + G.
      if (other_keycode == HOME_H || other_keycode == KC_G) { return true; }

  // Also allow same-hand holds when the other key is in the rows below the
  // alphas. I need the `% (MATRIX_ROWS / 2)` because my keyboard is split.
  if (other_record->event.key.row % (MATRIX_ROWS / 2) >= 4) { return true; }

  // Otherwise, follow the opposite hands rule.
  return achordion_opposite_hands(tap_hold_record, other_record);

With the above, my layer-tap on A switches layers when chorded with U or chorded with keys below the alphas. But with any other left-hand key, A is considered tapped.

Matrix coordinates: It makes sense to treat the thumb clusters and outermost rows or columns differently than the main alphas area, depending on the geometry of your keyboard. You can use other_record->event.key.row and .col to get the matrix coordinate of the other key. A complication is that on split keyboards, rows are typically doubled up so that the first MATRIX_ROWS / 2 rows are the left hand and the following MATRIX_ROWS / 2 rows are the right hand. On my 6x6 split Dactyl Ergodox, .row = 4 or 10 corresponds to the keys just below the alphas and 5 and 11 to the thumb clusters. I exclude them from the opposite hands rule with:

if (other_record->event.key.row % (MATRIX_ROWS / 2) >= 4) { return true; }

See corresponding physical keys to matrix positions for further tips on working out the matrix correspondence for your keyboard.

It is also perfectly valid to make conditions on other_keycode. For instance if you only want the opposite hands rule on alpha keys, do

switch (other_keycode) {
    other_keycode &= 0xff;  // Get base keycode.
// Allow same-hand holds with non-alpha keys.
if (other_keycode > KC_Z) { return true; }

return achordion_opposite_hands(tap_hold_record, other_record);


The achordion_timeout() callback customizes the timeout duration per each tap-hold key. By default, the timeout is 1000 ms (1 second) for all keys:

uint16_t achordion_timeout(uint16_t tap_hold_keycode) {
  return 1000;

The timeout duration must be in the range 0 to 32767 ms, the upper limit due to 16-bit timer limitations. I suggest setting it between 500 and 5000 ms.

Achordion can only change the tap-hold decision during the timeout window. If the timeout is too short, Achordion has little effect. A timeout of 0 bypasses Achordion, making no modification to QMK’s tap-hold decision. In my keymap, I bypass Achordion for a couple tap-hold keys, and otherwise use a timeout of 800 ms:

uint16_t achordion_timeout(uint16_t tap_hold_keycode) {
  switch (tap_hold_keycode) {
    case HOME_SC:
    case HOME_Z:
      return 0;  // Bypass Achordion for these keys.

  return 800;  // Otherwise use a timeout of 800 ms.


Mod-tap keys have the drawback that they add a delay between pressing the button and keys being sent to the host. This is especially sluggish when using mod-taps with a mouse: Ctrl + Click requires holding the mod-tap, waiting out Achordion’s timeout, then clicking.

There are some partial solutions:

A better solution without these compromises is to “eagerly” apply the mod while the tap-hold decision is still being settled. When QMK sends Achordion a mod-tap hold event, the mod is immediately applied. If later the mod-tap is settled as a tap, the mod is canceled before any following key press takes effect.

The achordion_eager_mod() callback defines which mods are eager. The mod arg should be compared with MOD_ prefixed codes, not KC_ codes. The default callback makes Shift and Ctrl mods eager:

bool achordion_eager_mod(uint8_t mod) {
  switch (mod) {
    case MOD_LSFT:
    case MOD_RSFT:
    case MOD_LCTL:
    case MOD_RCTL:
      return true;  // Eagerly apply Shift and Ctrl mods.

      return false;

This makes Achordion much nicer to use with a mouse!


Typing streaks

The ACHORDION_STREAK option disables hold behaviors when in a typing streak. In a sequence of typing keys A, B, C where B is a tap-hold key and A and C are regular keys, a “streak” is determined as the duration from the release of A until the press of C being quicker than a timeout, by default 200 ms. This can help prevent accidental mod activation during fast tapping sequences. It is inspired by sunaku’s typing streak logic.

To enable typing streak detection, add in config.h:


Optionally, define achordion_streak_chord_timeout() in keymap.c to customize the typing streak timeout:

uint16_t achordion_streak_chord_timeout(
    uint16_t tap_hold_keycode, uint16_t next_keycode) {
  return 200;  // Default of 100 ms.

A different streak timeout may be defined per key if desired. A timeout of zero disables streak detection for that key. For instance the following sets a shorter streak timeout for Shift and disables streak detection for layer-tap keys:

uint16_t achordion_streak_chord_timeout(
    uint16_t tap_hold_keycode, uint16_t next_keycode) {
  if (IS_QK_LAYER_TAP(tap_hold_keycode)) {
    return 0;  // Disable streak detection on layer-tap keys.

  // Otherwise, tap_hold_keycode is a mod-tap key.
  uint8_t mod = mod_config(QK_MOD_TAP_GET_MODS(tap_hold_keycode));
  if ((mod & MOD_LSFT) != 0) {
    return 100;  // A shorter streak timeout for Shift mod-tap keys.
  } else {
    return 240;  // A longer timeout otherwise.

Optionally, define achordion_streak_continue() in keymap.c to customize which keys can be part of a streak. The default definition is the following, allowing letters A–Z, punctuations .,' and space to continue streaks:

bool achordion_streak_continue(uint16_t keycode) {
  // If mods other than shift or AltGr are held, don't continue the streak.
  if (get_mods() & (MOD_MASK_CG | MOD_BIT_LALT)) return false;
  // This function doesn't get called for holds, so convert to tap keycodes.
  if (IS_QK_MOD_TAP(keycode)) {
    keycode = QK_MOD_TAP_GET_TAP_KEYCODE(keycode);
  if (IS_QK_LAYER_TAP(keycode)) {
    keycode = QK_LAYER_TAP_GET_TAP_KEYCODE(keycode);
  // Regular letters and punctuation continue the streak.
  if (keycode >= KC_A && keycode <= KC_Z) return true;
  switch (keycode) {
    case KC_DOT:
    case KC_COMMA:
    case KC_QUOTE:
    case KC_SPACE:
      return true;
  return false;  // All other keys end the streak.

Tap-hold configuration

Regardless of whether you use Achordion, you need to tune QMK’s tap-hold configuration to get a decent home row mods experience. Here are the settings I use.

In config.h:

// Tap-hold configuration for home row mods.
#define TAPPING_TERM 175

In keymap.c:

uint16_t get_quick_tap_term(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t* record) {
  // If you quickly hold a tap-hold key after tapping it, the tap action is
  // repeated. Key repeating is useful e.g. for Vim navigation keys, but can
  // lead to missed triggers in fast typing. Here, returning 0 means we
  // instead want to "force hold" and disable key repeating.
  switch (keycode) {
    case HOME_N:
    // Repeating is useful for Vim navigation keys.
    case QHOME_J:
    case QHOME_K:
    case QHOME_L:
      return QUICK_TAP_TERM;  // Enable key repeating.
      return 0;  // Otherwise, force hold and disable key repeating.

See also the QMK documentation on Tap-Hold Configuration Options for details on what these options mean and precondition’s guide for their use with home row mods.

Other tricks

Here are a couple further tricks for getting the most out of tap-hold keys. They work with Achordion, but Achordion is not required.

One-shot mod-tap key

You can modify a mod-tap key to behave like a one-shot mod when held. This changes the hold action so that the mod applies to only the first key tapped while the mod-tap is held. Thanks to @rafaelromao for this idea. This can be done by adding in keymap.c:

// Copyright 2022 Google LLC.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// Replaces a mod-tap key's hold function with its one-shot counterpart.
static bool oneshot_mod_tap(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t* record) {
  if (record->tap.count == 0) {  // Key is being held.
    if (record->event.pressed) {
      const uint8_t mods = (keycode >> 8) & 0x1f;
      add_oneshot_mods(((mods & 0x10) == 0) ? mods : (mods << 4));
    return false;  // Skip default handling.
  return true;  // Continue default handling.

bool process_record_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t* record) {
  if (!process_achordion(keycode, record)) { return false; }

  switch (keycode) {
    case LSFT_T(KC_D):
    case RSFT_T(KC_K):
      return oneshot_mod_tap(keycode, record);
  return true;

Tap vs. long press

You can have a key perform a different action on tap vs. when held a bit longer by customizing a layer-tap LT key. Thanks to @filterpaper and @jweickm for teaching me this trick. First, define a layer-tap key like LT(0, kc), where kc is a basic keycode to be sent on tap and the layer is a dummy placeholder.

#define COMM_COPY LT(0, KC_COMM)

Then in process_record_user(), we customize the long press action:

// Helper for implementing tap vs. long-press keys. Given a tap-hold
// key event, replaces the hold function with `long_press_keycode`.
static bool process_tap_or_long_press_key(
    keyrecord_t* record, uint16_t long_press_keycode) {
  if (record->tap.count == 0) {  // Key is being held.
    if (record->event.pressed) {
    return false;  // Skip default handling.
  return true;  // Continue default handling.

bool process_record_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t* record) {
  if (!process_achordion(keycode, record)) { return false; }

  switch (keycode) {
    case COMM_COPY:  // Comma on tap, Ctrl+C on long press.
      return process_tap_or_long_press_key(record, C(KC_C));

    // Other macros...
  return true;

See tap vs. long press for further discussion and variations on this idea.


If you are interested in the technical details, here is an explanation of Achordion’s implementation and how it works together with QMK’s core tap-hold handling.

Tap-hold event plumbing

The life of a tap-hold key event goes like this, to my understanding:

  1. When matrix scanning detects a change, an event is generated.
  2. void action_exec(keyevent_t event) is where handling of the event begins.
  3. action_exec() in turn calls into the tap-hold handling code void action_tapping_process(keyrecord_t record). The code here is complicated, and depending on the situation, the key event might go into a waiting buffer before it is passed to further handlers.
  4. Once the tap-hold handler has “settled” the decision of whether the key is tapped vs. held, it calls void process_record(keyrecord_t* record). For a tap-hold key event, the tap.count field indicates the outcome of this decision: a positive value means tapped and zero means held.
  5. process_record() calls process_record_quantum(), which is the main point for calling into other most other QMK features and process_record_user(). Fortunately for userspace libraries, process_record_user() is called early on before most other handlers, so Achordion is able to intercept tap-hold events before most features see it.

Intercepting the event

When Achordion sees a tap-hold press event, it “intercepts” it so that subsequent handlers don’t see it immediately. This is implemented by saving the keycode and record args (so that we can use them later) and returning false (telling the caller to skip default handling).

Holding the key

If we decide the key was held, we perform its hold action. One possible approach would be to extract the mod or layer from the upper byte of the keycode, then call register_mods() for a mod-tap or layer_on() for a layer-tap as appropriate. However, this would prevent subsequent handlers from responding to the hold event. Instead, we call process_record(), passing the record that Achordion had received earlier from QMK.

There is further a complication for layer-taps: if we decided that the key was held in response to a press event on another key, then the keycode for that other key does not take into account the layer change that was just made. To get around this, we call process_record(), passing the same record to have it re-process the event after the layer change, then return false to block the original event.

Tapping the key

If instead we decide the key was tapped, we perform its tap action. An easy implementation would be to call tap_code() on the basic keycode, but again, subsequent handlers then would miss these taps. For instance if you are also running autocorrection, handling these taps would matter to detect typos correctly. To get subsequent handlers to see them, we again do some event plumbing:

  1. Revise the tap-hold key’s record to a tap press event by changing its tap.count field, then pass this manipulated record to process_record().

  2. Wait for TAP_CODE_DELAY milliseconds.

  3. Make the corresponding tap release event by changing the record’s event.pressed field to false and passing it again to process_record().

Multiple tap-hold keys

A potentially complicated situation is what to do when the next key press is also a tap-hold key that QMK has settled as held, meaning multiple tap-hold keys pressed at once. If this happens, we settle both keys as held, bypassing Achordion. This way things like home row modifier chords work and allows Achordion to otherwise consider simply a single active tap-hold key at a time.


Much thanks to GitHub users @akaralar, @alxzh, @bschwehn, @Ceffa93, @christoph-cullmann, @drashna, @fdidron, @filterpaper, @gazpachoking, @JanValiska, @KarlK90, @jasonkena, @jdart, @jweickm, @MichaelOstermann, @proostas, @SavageMessiah, @Sigvah, @sommerper, @TristanCacqueray and Reddit user u/02ranger for contributions and feedback to improve Achordion and Chordal Hold.

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